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Palau begins water rationing

Koror- As reservoir levels drop, water restrictions for the most populous states of Palau- Koror and Airai, will be implemented starting Monday evening.

Ngerimel Reservoir in Palau, one of the main water sources is down to 13ft from the overflow at 23ft. (Photo supplied)

Palau is experiencing a dry season— amid high tourism season — with little rain for the past three months.

The increased water use is also being attributed to the water levels decreasing. Koror and Airai have a combined population of 13,899.

In the past, Palau managed to cope with dry season despite lack of regard to water use. However, increasing water consumption customers of the Koror-Airai Public Water System have been placed under mandatory water rationing.

The water rationing follows the National Emergency Committee placing the Republic of Palau under “Water Shortage Warning –Stage 2” that began on March 24.

Mandatory water hours for all of Koror and Airai will begin tomorrow at 9 p.m. with water turned on at 5 a.m.

According to the committee’s public advisory the new schedule will continue until further notice.

Current water levels at Ngerimel Reservoir and Ngerikiil water sources- the two main water sources here, have fallen drastically in recent weeks due to lack of rainfall and high consumption of water.

Total water production is down to 72 percent which is necessary for water rationing, the advisory stated.

“As of March 24, 2018, Ngerimel Dam water level is at 10.5 feet (45 percent) and Ngerikiil Dam water level is at 7.9 feet (98 percent) with a total production percentage at 72 percent which puts Palau at Stage 2 (Warning) requiring mandatory actions of water rationing,” NEC advisory said.

The government has also urged residents to save water wherever they can.


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