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Palau Compact funding signed

Washington D.C. -U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has praised President Donald Trump for signing the 2018 Omnibus Funding Agreement, which included funding to finalize the 2010 Palau Compact Review Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Palau.

He said that funding the 2010 Palau Compact Review Agreement demonstrates the continued U.S. commitment to Palau and the Western Pacific region.

“The agreement is an important element of the Pacific national security strategy to maintain stability in the Western Pacific,” said Zinke. “Interior has held a long, historic relationship with Palau and other U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands and we look forward to continuing our role on behalf of the U.S. government in providing these funds to the government of Palau.”

Doug Domenech, the assistant secretary for Insular and International Affairs, said that Interior will be working closely with the State Department and other federal partners to move forward.

The U.S. and Palau governments will need to meet to update the funding schedule of the 2010 agreement, which required specific annual outlays of funds.

Included in the assistance are contributions to the Palau Compact Trust Fund, a capital improvement program, and an infrastructure maintenance plan. The specifics of disbursements must be reaffirmed by the parties prior to the implementation to the agreement. (PR)

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